With the heat of the summer almost over, homeowners are undoubtedly looking forward to the cooler temperatures of fall and the reduced costs of heating and air conditioning. It’s cool enough where you don’t need to run your air conditioning and warm enough to not have to turn on the furnace. Fall is also an excellent time to prepare your heating system for winter and ensure everything will run efficiently. In this post, we will look at four things you should do to prepare your furnace and heating system for winter.
Check Your Filters
When your filters are plugged with dirt, dust, or other debris reduce the airflow through your heating system, making them much less efficient. When filters are clean, the heating system and furnace works less hard which translates into decreased energy costs. A clean filter also puts much less strain on the internal components of the system which will likely result in higher efficiency and a longer life for your system.
Adjust Your Thermostat
First, you should utilize a programmable thermostat put in a place out of direct sunlight like a hallway. In general, for reduced costs while still feeling comfortable, consider setting your thermostat between 68 and 72 degrees if you’re home during the day and if you’re away or asleep set your thermostat between 62 and 66 degrees.
Consider an Upgrade
If it has been longer than ten years since you’ve had a new furnace installed or the one you’re using is not energy efficient, you should consider purchasing a new Lenox furnace with high efficiency.
At Bel-Aire Heating & Cooling, we have three convenient locations in Portage, Grand Rapids, and Three Rivers. If you have any questions about preparing your heating system for winter or are interested in installing a new furnace, do not hesitate to give us a call!